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- The Harold’s Fonts website and the fonts it contains are the copyrighted creations of Harold Lohner.
- All trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.
- All Harold’s Fonts (free, $5, and premium) and files are offered “as is”. Every effort is made to ensure that the fonts work well on as many machines and with as many applications as possible, but there are no guarantees of any kind.
- Fonts licensed through Font Bros or MyFonts may be subject to additional usage restriction.
- Harold’s Fonts offers over original free fonts in part to create site traffic and generate sales of premium fonts. Fonts designated as “free” may be downloaded and used without charge. These copyrighted fonts are made available for commercial and non-commercial use when downloaded from Harold’s Fonts. They not intended to be copied, sold or reposted anywhere without express written permission.
- Do not copy, share, sell or repost Harold’s Fonts without expression written permission. If you have downloaded a “free” Harold’s Font from a “free font” site, please check this site to see if it really is “free”.
- To link to the Harold’s Fonts site, please use
- Send inquiries to .
- Additional important information may be contained within the individual fonts’ pages and read-me files included with the font downloads.
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