
BLOCKED is my reconstruction of a “lost” Letraset font. The original, called “Block Up,” was designed by Sally Ann Grover and was issued in 1974 by Letraset. Block Up is one of countless fonts that didn’t make the technological transition from transfer letters to digital. My digital version was constructed point by point, not autotraced, so it’s very clean. I’ve used all the available characters (except the 4) and rounded it out with more punctuation and international characters. I’m especially fond of my @.

The Regular above; that’s what the original looked like. I’ve also created a series of four component fonts which can be layered to create the FRONT planes, TOP planes, SIDE planes, and outlines as in the sample below. (Only works in an application that allows layering text elements.)

Includes lower case, numbers, punctuation, and international characters.

Blocked_anim Blocked_multicolor
